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Vendor Membership

All sustaining membership options include an invitation to all PACO events, all notices and announcements sent to PACO members, company logo included on PACO’s website linked to your company’s website, your company’s media releases to PACO members will be followed in all PACO social media outlets on PACO’s website, Facebook page, Twitter and LinkedIn, and vendor booths/tables for sponsored events to market your company (when available).

A "Vendor of the Quarter" option is also available which includes 30 free lunches at a general membership meeting, a 10 minute presentation by vendor, vendor booth/table available to market your company's materials, along with announcements in all publications via PACO News to the entire PACO general membership prior to meeting and in all media releases.

Vendor Membership Application Form

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* Membership level

Questions about PACO? :

Mailing Address :
P.O. Box 1582
Columbus, Ohio 43216-1582

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