PACO - Virtual Mixer for New Members - Register today!
Welcome to the Paralegal Association of Central Ohio! PACO is rolling out 'New Member Virtual Mixers' which are designed for new members, any members who joined PACO in the past 12 months, and longtime members who would like to network with our new members! The 'New Member Virtual Mixers' will be scheduled on the first Monday of every month from Noon-12:45 p.m., be sure to join in!
During the event you will have an opportunity to learn more about PACO, meet PACO's President and Vice President/Coordinator of Membership, and other Executive Board members. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions, as well as network with one another while learning more about PACO's website and where to find resources.
Be sure to register now by going to PACO's Calendar of Events. You will receive zoom meeting credentials prior to the day of the event.
You must be a member of PACO to register for this event. Not a member? Join now under the membership tab on the home website page for PACO!
Questions about PACO? :
Mailing Address :P.O. Box 1582Columbus, Ohio 43216-1582